From Salamanca market as it is to the Hobart harbor walk。But I wanted to finish a meal in Salamanca Street、There is no restaurant, which is attracted to say that this。Imperceptibly I have come to the Hobart harbor 🙂
Walking map "Hobart harbor (Port of Hobart)"
Tasmania School of Creative Arts University with a start from the Salamanca Market (University of Tasmania, School of Creative Arts)へ。The distance is about 1km。I have been walking slowly while enjoying the world's clean water and air。
Brook Street to the pier (Brooke Street Pier)
And the Salamanca Market on the back will head to the Hobart harbor。Tasmanian MuseumOnly return the way you came from。
Here is Tasmania's Parliament House。It seems to Tasmania that are cozy and。Somehow strange old man is not lying on the grass。
The building's like a triangle roof of the warehouse which is visible to the other side of the boulevard is facing the Brook Street Pier。Slightly to the right center in the photograph、I guy behind the bicycle man。
Arrival ~。Kana walked about 100m roughly。Toka day tours depart from here。I am also in the Bonorongu & Richmond tour was starting from here say nuclear。It will introduce in a later article。
Elizabeth Street to the pier (Elizabeth Street Pier)
Next to the Elizabeth Street Pier next。The building is destination of light gray triangle roof that looks beyond。
arrival。Wonder if much walking distance 50m。A lively this building is the most、It contains a lot of Toka restaurants during。Actually it was also good for the meal here、Had to pass through because it was too crowded is around a bit。
Yellow boat。It is probably will be something like a water taxi。
Window shopping。It seems fashion is to exhibit a lot of this kind of stuffed toy I Australia。Wombats and dingoes stuffed toy is a concern 😆
Where is from the Elizabeth Street Pier's like a pleasure boat set sail。Realize you like this to see if Do'm still tourist destination What Hobart harbor。
Mawson Place to (Mawson Place)
Looking towards the inland、See the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery。When viewed from a distance there are several crane landscape and ruin 😥
Look at the Elizabeth Street Pier around the dock Innovation Group。Here landscape will also Koyo at night because it is likely to shine night view。
Around here seems Tteyuu Mawson Place。Now Guru was orbiting Innovation is Constitution Dock (Constitution Dock)。By the way, Tteyuu dock、I be of rectangular pool that leads to this kind of sea。Albert Dock LiverpoolThe same meaning as the Toka of dock。
Christmas tree。Nikki Miaki another have only seen in Sydney 🙁
Kings Pier (Kings Pier)
Enter the Kings Pier and black bronze statue is a lot。
The famous Douglas Mawson as explorer who went to the South Pole (Douglas Mawson) image。Also Welcome penguins around。
Profusely respectable building。
Respectable ship。Rashiku Australian Indigenous community of Tteyuu Yandeyarra、Perhaps ship that they are owned by。
Bronze statue of nothing body in the entrance。Let's read because there was this description monument near。
Work of Rowan Gillespie (Rowan Gillespie)。1803Year - and 13,000 prisoners women were brought to Van Dimen (Van Diemen's Land) until 1853、Children of the 2,000 people。Apparently this place、It seems to place her we landed。
This is likely not related to the previous Footsteps monument。I forgot to take a picture of the explanation monument not know the details ......
Tasmania School of Creative Arts University (University of Tasmania, School of Creative Arts)へ
There is an indigenous Aboriginal art shop in Australia。Through because it was taken ban。I do not put on the blog tough。
You have written me "Gallery Gallery" in Japanese。I'll go because it pains。
Mysterious monument。
What was the art work of the University of Tasmania Faculty of Fine Arts。Even so, I wonder there is to know hesitation location ......
Meal in MORES 🙂
After all、Meals were to be taken here。During location of the Constitution Dock and Victoria dock。A short walk toward the harbor from the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery。
And ask for food at the counter、How to go to pick up during thunderstorms because get this kind of machine。Was around 1,500 yen Fish & Chips。Was delicious but quite higher。There is only a harbor fish is delicious fresh。Not found also look for HOUNDOUR of Tasmanian while doing Pokemon GO because the Wi-Fi was through。Since there is no way I was happy to catch Garura。
Hobart is the next port of night view。