I went with Best route (3 Australian dollars) from Sydney airport to the city!

I decided to go because I had never landed on the Australian continent Why do not you suddenly thinking。I thought trying to Ayers Rock rejected by the November often flies in the summer。Just in Sydney that Tasmania's this season the best season、Melbourne、And to go to Tasmania。

so、Landing the city I was was Sydney、Is awfully high train from Sydney Airport to the city。20$ Weak also, or whatever struck。PITA likely in Toka taxi there is a change to the habit of consuming route also time to use the bus out of the question。So of being go cheap if you go by train from one side of the station of the Airport? It was examined on the Internet think、Going from the airport on route bus to the station next to、I found a way of going to the city by train from there! But、Well you Ja do further be cheaper If you go to walk to the station next? ? To list the nearest station thought、And we found directions by making full use of the English site。


Great route from the airport to the city

It is this route。Sydney Airport of the nearest station is wo Leigh Creek (Wolli Creek) station and Mascot (Mascot) station。The closer of the Wo Lee Creek Station in order to arrive at Sydney International Airport If you go from Japan。It was going to take this route by Te、I actually think that trying to introduce detail in pretty hard was because this article。

By the way, so I went to Tasmania from Sydney、Since way back, walked to the Domestic Airport from Mascot Station The article "I went with Best route (3 Australian dollars) from Sydney city to Domestic Airport!We have introduced in "。

so、Prices 3.01 at 2018 $。Kana not you be much directly that's train 18 $ from the airport? ? Perhaps you think this is it's lowest price。Ah、It plunged walk go for the lowest price or something is ...... please pardon


Arrival to Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport

To become a flight to arrive before 7 am With JAL from Tokyo、I think that if can sleep in an airplane the first day of tourism make progress。but、I could not sleep unfortunately because baby in the vicinity of his seat had been Nakiwamei much。Shah not because Well baby。

The official name is the gateway to Sydney is that the Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport。I Sydney International Airport in general, so long-winded。so、None Japanese immigration。Strictly speaking,、Passport of the gate and let me read the machine to match the face image is open's it。Immigration is the moment。But、Not a little interesting that the stamp of the passport does not collect。

I think if it passes through the arrival gate and out on photos of the place。Because I think that McDonald's can be seen on the right side、Let's walk up there。

It advances to the right direction when I go out from here to exit。Ah ~、Do not to Wolli Creek to "walk I asked how to walk to the Information Center of the airport just in case。It's to use the train was told Toka good by "、Since the people of airports work that it is net information that has worked walk from Wolli Creek was a pre-researched、I thought I would Do not have been trained to say that way。Transportation expenses of tourists the country of important financial resources Dakan'ne。

Walk up there Once Rashiki of is not visible hotel I RYDGES。With the feeling that travels along the right side of the fence。

There is a road passing to the right of the road to the abutment。

You over because there is a pedestrian bridge and directly north。It was bought a little tough because had carry case。Just good exercise is to return the body that was dull because I did not move in the airplane。


Emergency to Wo Lee Creek Station

Again north down the pedestrian bridge。After you get to the avenue in the only straight ahead on this road。

Building discovery of Qantas!

Avenue in a little

If you get to the main street and go to the left。Unexpected must cross the the road to the。

It became blue。

you're kidding……? Shortness of time for the first time can be surprised was the signal to ...... Sydney that did not fully over。It starts to blink in about two seconds from getting to the blue。It is true not'm exaggerating?

Red light is profusely long。Was I Pasha Sydney of the signal because it was free time。Little different signal machine and Japan。

I calmed down because it was cockles。

Road and proceed along the main street is divided into second-hand。Left Wo Lee Creek Station district。so、Right it seems to Sydney International Airport direction。Maybe there is a method to come from here。When it comes to、Be that no longer have to worry about crossing the footbridge。

Cross the bridge。Pretty scenery is good! !

I'm having about four before the uncle carry case 😮 That's obviously gold Kechi' Teru urged。I guess the same Warwickshire Leigh Creek Station Maybe purpose。

Turn right Once you have crossed the bridge。Go the way of that trees。

Straight here。

Local dog 😆

It came in this park。

Feels good in the lake is not walking visible! I Australia is early summer But around the time comes to winter and Japan

A lot of birds!

Playground equipment also there which was playing children

And birds have advanced to the road

Hey ^^;

Hey Do're free bird

There was a toilet at the exit of the park。Sydney is the toilet will not be stuck in the toilet because it is installed free of charge throughout the town。

Straight across this signal。Green building is super appear in just across the signal。Tara is less luggage you might want to be hoarding here。Cheap because。

Turn right when you get to this intersection。We will enter the street in the middle visible in photos。

Since the sign has also been installed and come up here if we proceed in the direction of the Wolli Creek Station No Problem!

Passing this kind of area。It seems Tteyuu DISCOVERY POINT。

If you find the character of the orange T on the left side of the intersection there is a destination。Finally arrived over


Do not forget to buy and embossing of OPAL CARD!

Wolli Creek station arrived! Information lie put airport! Or Ne 's within walking distance of at all! !

OPAL CARD Let's buy in this KIOSK。I have I bought at Sydney Airport、It is efficient to buy here。so、That this station is to embossing always OPAL CARD before boarding because there is no ticket gate。But I forgot to take a photo、The embossing device has been installed more than one at the entrance of the station。It has a picture of the embossing device is depicted on a poster that just lies between the photo of KIOSK and the public telephone! Since the fine Failure to do this! !

Let's go to the platform according to their own destination When you have finished embossing。...... because toward the Kings Cross in my case

It is a train of here Bondi Jn bound! Platform 6 stops eyes at No. 3 (written from top to stop station order)、7It seems to departure after the minute。

3Tsukisusumi will aim to di

Has arrived。Thing and please wait inside the yellow line。

About 5 minutes left until the train comes。

Safety、We were able to ride the train。

Balance confirmation image at the time of getting off the。OPAL CARD is this time took fare since they must be a minimum $ 10 charge at the beginning $ 3.01! This $ 3.01 looks cheap。Since you this much six times and they would come by train directly from the airport。

Seems now would hit the peak time is 8:00 back and forth in the little I But November 2018 is sandwiched overheard、Or something further fare is also unfortunately fee that was rose has become a $ 4.40。Sydney is I'm a system that fare that it non-peak hours is 30% OFF。Peak time in the morning 7:00~9:00 Since it seems between am、Morning 6:30It is difficult to remove the peak that it is flights to Sydney wearing time。Although it can be crush time also take in the breakfast in the airport、Where such somehow I wonder ...... also crush tourist time at most for 30% discount。By the way, the peak time of the afternoon 4:00~6:30 It is pm。

Although it is to take the $ 2.70 if Sunday、It Sunday is where you want devoted to the Blue Mountains tourism if possible。In the article of the details of the Blue Mountains where N there。


Next time, if the city of Sydney!

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