Congratulation Love live NHK festival for participation decision! ! Incidentally Numazu burger also tried to re-visit

The other day、Love Live After walking through the Nakamise shopping street! Sunshine! ! Tapestry Aquors of celebrate the participation to the festival for was caught the eye。That the、This time, the kana trying to introduce it。but、Since the contents of it and I just was flimsy technique likely、I wonder if trying to include also Agetsuchi shopping street from Numazu burger。

Even so, not a festival for participation Toka too terrible? ? Among also often singer can not answer thinking of leaving、What anime voice actor comes out。I was once again realized the strength of the influence of Love live。


The entire map

On the map this timeIntroduce the four locations shown in the。Route going from the south of Numazu burger to Nakamise。Because By the way, there is a red and white played veil is a northernmost of Nakamise、Walk from Numazu Station 1、It is a 2-minute。So let's take a look at in order。


In the first year of sets of Numazu burger Aqours sat seat

Numazu Berger "There is also a harbor "Numazu Port" aquarium visited by many tourists from outside the prefecture!Was Chorotto introduced in the article "。but、Re-visit because vacated a little period from there。

John-chan, which is why bite your head shark。It seems to be also sold goods in the usual store。

This time, was vacant Luckily table seat。Moreover, special seat that Aqours seat! ! Before、It seemed the seat of first-year students set of Aqours sat。Had been decorated also photos of that time。

380After the store early to eat Mikkabi Sunday of the circle。Because、It was an ordinary soft cream and Mikkabi oranges have the same amount of money yeah probably Mikkabi! !

Encounter in Love live bus on the way from Numazu to Agetsuchi。And this bus also has been increasing year by year、Now about seeing few cars if the walk to the Numazu Station from Numazu Port。Design also has been updated on a daily basis。


Character tapestry in Nakamachi from Numazu Port to Agetsuchi

From Numazu Port Shimogawara、Up to the temple town followed by a relatively nothing road。But、Character tapestry of Love live from Nakamachi beyond the permanence Bridge has been decorated。Well, and in particular whether let's put in the introduction and the story of the characters only tapestry of image。

First Sakuranai Mariko。Tteyuu why only this character there is only one。

Watanabe Sunday and Koumi Sen'uta。This sophomore set complete!

Ohara Kiku莉 & Canaan Matsuura

Kurosawa diamond。Third grade set complete at this。And Yoshiko Tsushima。

Kurosawa Rubyi & Kunikida Hanamaru。Annual Group finished。

But also there are things for each character in Agetsuchi、If you also look at all means Nakamachi ver because this Nakamachi's also different pattern。


I tried around the Love live stamp shop Agetsuchi

It has been always attached Yara of Love live posters in most of the shops at the top soil between the Otemachi from Onaribashi。It also or has been installed stamp、What was I tried around that there's any kidnapping is。

Here you have Emma's addition to Mr. Love live voice actor also of Agetsuchi limited goods。Let's let me by all means taken because the addition is written and please take photos。

One by one for each character carefully illustrations and comments had been written in such a feeling。

This shop of related Mariko Sakuragi。

Stamp pad also elaborate in or create carefully hand-drawn illustrations。

Ads eyes remained in a bulletin board in front of the Riverside Hotel。Recruitment of Ura star brass band。Tokyo、Kanagawa、It seems to be working in Numazu。It is interesting attempt

I had a lot to other Love live elements soon to Nakamise shopping street。


I wish · Aqours red and white appearance!

Kana have changed manhole? It was still a freshman set I tried to confirm think。Also you child stranded to look now。「Local Numazu people is over the love live manhole in the shortest route! Sum many kilometers? ?Nde, such as manhole of the pattern is changed every few months, as introduced in "。

The banners are also frequently change the design。

11There while also shopping street to enter the Christmas mood because even such end month。


Merry Christmas!

Are some places installed also apply box of keyword rally。

By the way keywords are located studded in each location in such a feeling。We multiplied by the mosaic processing in the image does not go also to not publish the keyword on the Internet。

Christmas & Love Live & crime prevention patrol

Veil of I've seen red and white played。Nakamise is the northern end of the shopping street。

Congratulation! Aqours festival for participation! !

Here was I thought I might take a look at this year I had not seen the front or 😆 recent festival for。


The next stage in Australia changed place。I would like to introduce from Sydney!

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