Symbol of loss, "Ross Bridge (Ross Bridge)" and "loss Unification Church (Ross Uniting Church)" - "loss Village" tourist ⑥ ~

At last six eyes loss village of article。Etc. say that this world Hiroshi、Also are using the article six here is I think only this blog。Well say politely if、Tedious redundant at worst。If you want to examine the kidnapping and information to would have to reference other blogs、I would like to go through this stance!


Walking map "loss Village"

I guess were reused many times this map。This time、Starting from the loss Unification Church of the above map (Ross Uniting Church) and ends in Los Bridge。Speaking of the most famous photograph in the loss Village、But I think that it is landscape of loss Unification Church that looks to the other side of the Ross Bridge、So finally able to introduce。


Ro su Unification Church (Ross Uniting Church)

The last time、Because from Los woman prisoner prison introduced the short cut of up to loss Unification Church、This time the continued。Want to go into the inside of the loss Unification Church also say this loss village of symbol。

Signs of loss Unification Church。No particularly interesting thing。

Notice of the entrance of the door。In and of it as close always When you close the door。Toka you accidentally get in the birds and the bees。Huh、bee? ! Terror ......

Inside here is the Unification Church。Nobody is here。It is an ordinary church, which was the monopoly state 🙂 small。But on the day of the choice and will of crowded with local people。

Organ that contains the seasoned。

Stained glass。

What is this。Since I do not know religion better Wakaran。Candlestick?

Tourism completed in a few minutes because so widely nor。To exit When you go home there was a visitor note and donation box。Once you are satisfied we'll donate!


Across the Ross Bridge

It directed from the loss Unification Church to Ross Bridge。Walk a few minutes to。It is the three arch bridge like this。

Ross Bridge, next to the square。Loss Unification Church is seen in the other side。

Light there was a。It seems the night is lit up。It is a night view Toka transcendence rare Ross Bridge that are not found to be night here。

The mystery of the Machine。

Outdoor griddle plate。And free? ! Thing is I guess for Toka barbecue?

Now、Soon cross the loss Bridge。

Photos were also introduced in a previous article。For around here "Arrival in Los village! First walk - "loss village" the village tourism ② ~And if you can see. "。

Distance to Launceston

Distance to Hobart。For more information previous article "Arrival in Los village! First walk - "loss village" the village tourism ② ~Omitted, so we have introduced in "。


The most well-view in a place which can loss Bridge with loss Unification Church

Upon completion over the Ross Bridge from Los village district、There is a staircase down to the river bank on the right side。Rather than the maintenance asphalt、We will walk in the lawn。It was a hard time difficult to drag carry bag 😥

Macquarie flowing through the side of the loss village river (Macquarie River)。Idyllic village。

I have been a variety around the loss village ever、I like the landscape seen from here is the best。Ross Unification Church can be seen on the other side of the loss village because only here。

It was too wonderful scenery、Again shooting brought out the single-lens reflex camera, which was closed to the rucksack。

That was multiplied by the evening of the filter here.。This kind of image I loss Village?

Ross Bridge from here & Ross Unification Church also tried to take。But it is good that seen various landscape freely doing this personal travel

Finally Macquarie riverbank & Ross Unification Church。


next time、You finally journey the loss village。Via the Launceston a stretch to Devonport!

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