The world is touching the cute animal "wombat"? ! Bonorongu Wildlife Refuge - Part -

Bonorongu is the latter part of the tourism Wildlife Sanctuary。In this Bonorongu is、You can touch the world cute animal to be in the title。so、It is the wombat unique marsupial of Tasmania。Looking at the various sites、Although it seems that you know the different opinions about the best in the world cute animal、All except where you are raising the wombat to most unfortunately is a liar。It is should not be an cute than wombats animal!


Bonorongu Wildlife Refuge location (re-posted)

Previous article "The food fried can experience the kangaroos and wallabies! Bonorongu Wildlife Refuge - Part -Posted the same map you, but recap as in "。Bonorongu Wildlife Refuge、There in the place where we went to the north about 25km from Hobart。But also it described another many times、Please be prepared for those who are trying to go by bicycle because the up-down is intense。Car or tour is recommended。


Unmotivated koala ......

First koala。It does not work with flutters caught and jitter in tree。Terrifying of lazy。What this creature、Toka I sleep about 20 hours a day! ! ...... I mean the、Than a thing very fortunate we to have seen a koala is happening now in sight? !

so、I was sleeping Sure enough when I look because koala there were also other。What I'm going to sleep like this koala。It does not often slide down from the tree

so、It was such a pose when I come back at the Koala's beginning a little wandering around。Gudetama also of surprise ingredients Deppuri。Will sleeping in downright effortless likely looking just ride to the chin to where the tree is cross! !

head on。that? It has opened a little eye? ? Or ...... Nde poor be too noisy、Do you go to be seen in the following animal。


Probably Yappa Tasmanian Devil how much Tasmania!

Notes that were in the place of Mr. Tasmanian Devil。Datte ... it must not touch the absolute because chew come。Oh scary scary。

Oh! Was Irassha' over there。Softening Nesobettoru。

I fell asleep as soon as I thought(^^;)

📷 the sleeping face wraps around the front and So'!


Wake up to the moment when the shutter is released! ? It is downright sensitive Tasmanian Devil's

Since began to walk after a while Tekuteku profile Itadaki! !

Oh! Was Nasa' me facing here! ! 🙂

Ah、Was immediately suited turned away(^^;)

Patari and your sleeping zzz…  Do you have just these do I Australia of organisms not only koala? !

Got up it was 😯

It has been shifted to the nearby!

Only one ーーー physician has moved in the shade! ! 👿

I wish I looked for a while。Whether a relationship between the position of the sun、It was no longer 's shade。Now、What move? ?

After all, I got up and facing toward the shade or over

You! ! Finally he gave me facing here! ! You guess I was not that kind of eye? !

Again I thought Tekuteku。

I always fall asleep in there eventually in (laughs)

Well I continue much chasing the Tasmanian Devil because I take a lot of photos。So the end of the main dish、Do you go to see Tasmania's Treasures "wombat" san! !


The world cute Tasmanian marsupial "wombat"

Well over there it ...... that would see the wombat hairy discovery gray behind the grass!

It came out over over over over over over over over over over over over over over over! ! ! ! This is the wombat ーーーーー! ! ! !

Ah、Also it had hidden(^^;)

Well、In fact, it is one of the objectives that came to this time Tasmania Hey I was to see this wombat。It's seen is Tsu also seen in Japan、After all seen up close in the field、Moreover, sleeps very much because it is not only come here are Sawa

Something or Mozomozo

You were what are you? ?

Did rice 😆

Door around to the front。Munching Irassharu eat deliciously 😎

A growing number ...... After a while looking at the appearance that rice? !

Baby wombat! Hand this also River(・∀・)Good!!

I、I、I、What? ! Another one animal baby wombat from behind was Nasu' issued a face 😯 this is I guess just a bit cute? !

Has issued a Hyokori and face from the trunk of the tree (laughs)

Ah、I had hidden(^^;)

...... here also whether in the diet If you are looking for other won the bat because there is no way! 😆

Unreal Naa and eat delicious to munch

so、Is the wombat's the here huge is that can this time you touch experience

Hey Hey。It is Sawa like this -。Wombat's also fall asleep comfortably unlikely (laughs)

For comparison、As touching the ass whenever you touch the wombat。But is more of something keepers I seemed to explain the precautions when touching on such at the beginning、Without listening engrossed in the photo。So When I tried to touch his head "No! No!I have been angry with the "! You'd please be careful! !

Aunt of the keepers were able to see that give milk to the baby wombat on way home。

By wild wombats I Australia or jump out on the road、Seems mother won the bat there are many accidents will die after being hit by a car。But、The baby was in the mother stomach of the bag of many things successfully、Toka you're brought up in such a place a wombat who lost that kind of parent。It seems to occur kangaroos and wallabies also a similar incident。So、Those who are about to be rent a car, please operation earnestly care。

Still so small。Me growing larger! !


The end of this at the Bonorongu Wildlife Sanctuary tourism。Next time, let's also go even to the famous Los village as a courier of the stage of the witch to escape the Hobart。

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