The Numazu Summer Festival has arrived! Kanogawa fireworks display! We will deliver the Numazu special feature three times from this time!
It seems that an event will be held at the Hiroryo Ground in conjunction with the Numazu Summer Festival this year, so I'm excited to live in Numazu.
Now、I think most people will participate in the fireworks display after the evening.、I think I'll introduce the daytime situation this time as well.。
Noon on the first day of the summer festival。The stalls are being built little by little。The churros clerk in the foreground is relaxing.。Some have already started doing business from this time。You have to join a local union to get a stall、It seems that you are paying a monthly membership fee。The market price seems to be 1,000 yen a month, so 12,000 yen a year。Considering that there are only a few events a year, it costs a lot.。
Let's go from Koryo Ground first。It's near the Numazu Citizens' Culture Center。Right next to the ground is Yasushi Inoue's stone monument。As I explained in the previous article, Yasushi Inoue is a writer who has a great connection to Numazu.。By all means, you too will be a fan of Yasushi Inoue!
A mysterious staircase in front of the Cultural Center。When I was in elementary school、How many times have you thought about going up here。After all, I grew up without ever climbing。
Next to the stairs is the entrance to the Cultural Center。Various events are held here。Actually, there used to be Numazu Junior High School (now Numazu Higashi High School) here.、This was built on the site where Toko moved to the top of the mountain.。By the way, in 1967, Numazu Higashi High School moved to what is now Okanomiya.、Fifteen years later, in 1982, the Citizens' Culture Center was built.。
Finally arrived! This is the entrance to the event venue。wheelchair、Visitors with a stroller are also welcome!
The venue is very crowded。Surprisingly spacious。Olden days、An event called Numazu Festa was held here.、At that time, I remember that the shops were lined up in a narrow space.。
The first thing I saw when I entered the square was this procession。It's like a love live sunshine lottery。Very prosperous。
Banderole is also participating。Noppo bread seems to be popular。I knew it for the first time the other day、It seems that sales of Noppo bread have increased five times compared to before.。Also、The salt caramel taste is that the anime character is printed on the package and I collaborate with Love Live Sunshine.、It has already exceeded 200,000 ... Anime effect is not licked。
It's a commercial seller 🙂 It seems that you can get collaboration goods when you buy Noppo bread。Tote bag 1,500 yen、Isn't the clear file 400 yen expensive? Well, is this something like that?。Like Disney。
What? A great crowd。What are you doing。
The kids were doing something。Is it a dance? At a later date、Or rather, I read the morning edition of the Shizuoka Shimbun the next day and found out.、It seems that the voice actors of Love Live Sunshine performed here。So I learned that many people wore T-shirts with anime pictures printed on them.。And、It seems that nine of the voice actors have been certified as Numazu's Numazu Tourism Ambassador.。
There is a food stall right next to the venue、Love Live Sunshine everywhere。In particular, the product of Numazu Burger called Orve of the Fallen Angel was popular and there was a line of dozens of people.。that? Have you heard that characteristic name? When I thought about it, I introduced it when I wrote an article about Numazu Port before.。
It should be noted、There weren't many customers in the shops that didn't collaborate with Love Live Sunshine.。I used to give out something at a local high school、Impression that there were few customers after all。Other exhibitions will be introduced in the next article along with the situation on the second day.。
Introducing the event at Koryo Square。The name is the same as the Numazu Summer Festival。The festival is hiragana。Manufacturing corner or experience corner、Furthermore, this sign also has a picture of a child, so I think it's for children.、I had a strong impression that anime fans were the majority 🙂
Break corner in the middle。It started to rain on the way, so shelter from the rain。I noticed while writing this article now、On the right side of the center, there is a shoulder bag with a tote bag (1,500 yen) hanging from the shoulder.。Rich Man!
Taken when the number of people decreases due to rain! This is where the line was formed when I first visited here。that? The car on the left is also familiar、I introduced it when I wrote an article about Awashima Marine Park 🙂
Enter the Citizens' Culture Center as it is from the entrance of the event venue。Is it the back door? The inside of the cultural center looks like this。An obscure object hangs from the ceiling。
It's so crowded that there's no place to sit anymore。Unlike the outside, the inside is cool so take a break。It's raining so I can't save a little time。
If you think it was crowded, the cause is this。When I asked the person in charge, it was said that a love live sunshine screening was being held.。Moreover, the place is a large hall。It's amazing to charter a large hall 😮
Now、Go to Central Park as it is。Across the city hall、Via this Hachiman Shrine。This shrine is directly connected to Ayumi Bridge。Unfortunately there are no worshipers today。Head to Ayumi Bridge from the back of the shrine。
Is it a place to take。Ayumi Bridge is no longer filled with sheets。It doesn't matter, but Rilakkuma stands out.。
The fireworks launch pad sticks out from the left bank into the river。At the Numazu Fireworks Festival, there are two launch pads, the first of which is here.。
I went to the central park。It seems that the event is already held here as well。It came out Love Live Sunshine。Collaboration with Tokai Bus。Only the bus is stopped during this time、Depending on the time, the taxi may stop。It seems that there are 9 characters of Love Live Sunshine, so 9 types of taxis are running in the city.。
There are two buses at this time。This bus is not a figurine, but the exact same thing runs through the city。I didn't see much before、I've been working on it lately。I wonder if I increased the number。
These are the penguins brought from Awashima Marine Park。There was a mobile aquarium next to it。It seems that there are image penguins for each character of Love Live Sunshine.。What criteria do you decide on? 😐
There are already many people trying to leave Central Park and proceed to Numazu Station。It's very fresh because Numazu is so busy several times a year.。
Contact、Is this a love live sunshine taxi?。Discover the first of 9 types! Is there 8 more types?。Or rather, the first ride is 690 yen and a higher price is set? It seemed that there were anime chirashizushi and stuffed animals in the car.。
Especially in front of Numazu station。Even though it was bright, the drums were open。Lively scenery of Numazu station。
There are many people in Nakamise。I wish it was as busy as usual。Good luck Mayor Onuma!
Oh? Is there a crowd in Nakamise?
If you take a peek, a concert。What kind of concert I asked my neighbor about, like the opening song of Love Live Sunshine。The one on the back monitor is the opening of Love Live Sunshine.、It seems that you are playing live to the screen。Head to Onaribashi while listening to the voices of anime fans cheering along with the song, "Oh! Oh!"。
Next to the riverside hotel。There is already a drum here。There are already traffic restrictions。
Fireworks headquarters in Onaribashi。...... I don't care。
This thread is like Niagara at the end of the fireworks display。Today's 20:15To、It will be ignited from this Onari Bridge toward the Eitai Bridge that can be seen over there.。
This is the second fireworks launch pad。One place on the Ayumi Bridge side across the Onari Bridge、There are two places in total, one on the Eitai Bridge side.。
Now、Next time is the fireworks display。I have to take a place where I can see the fireworks beautifully!