Ferry with Mount Fuji of Ganyudo of Numazu tourism - May 05 ~

Since we introduced the last time Numazu carp streamer Festival、Chaimashou introduce a ferry of the Kano River in the fact that continue to Kano attractions。This ferry is necessary to be careful because not ride all year round。Will be described in the in the article for the operation Date。


The root of the ferry of Ganyudo

That of the place name and Ganyudo。Says the whole area of ​​the map of the above from the south bank of the Kano River of the lower side of the screen until the per Imperial Villa Memorial Park and Ganyudo。Ferry is、Showa until Minato Bridge is completed in 46 years had been useful as a means of crossing the Kano River、Then abolished、And revived in 1997 now leads。

Three places of yellow ★ mark the landing is shown in the map:History Bridge、Numazu Port、I humanely。You can also ride from anywhere、Since the flight number of the day is limited on the suspended service date is often、It is luck that had to check the flight schedules and timetables in advance in case you visit。Flight schedule and timetable is recommended that you review。6month、8month、12month、1month、2Moon is not in flight、Basically only on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays。For more informationLink destinationPlease check。


To stop History Bridge!

The hall of the History Bridge is located in Hashimoto。There are stairs to get down to the ferry to the Central Park side。

Landscape of Onaribashi from History Bridge。Do will you see the blue flag towards the bottom right of the photo? There is a landing。

Because you carefully there is a sign that "Ayumi Bridge boat landing."、Let's get off the bottom of the spiral staircase。

From under the stairs Kano River is directly in front of the eye。Carp to the other side of the river。Anyway it if riding a ferry Numazu carp festival of the day is good!

Guide plate of the ferry at the bottom of the History Bridge。Prices more than junior high school students 100 yen、Below 50 yen elementary school。so、Capacity as it is written here is better, which has been carried out as soon as possible because it is 12 people。Since the period of carp streamer Festival is basically packed、Because it will be refused boarding be carried out time in the last minute。

Earnestly waiting at the blue flag。By the way, so I went in 30 minutes before boarding time、Preceding visitor was the second fastest not he only one family 😆

Kill time looking at the Kano River because there is no way。

Boat fun 😉

Opposite shore Hey booming。so、When it becomes to 15 minutes before roughly droves ferry purpose Rashiki people have list for the first time、Probably it had been in about 12 people of capacity in 10 minutes ago。

Contact、Over the boat, which listed the blue flag under the Onaribashi came。I guy that looks to the other side of the red and yellow boat。There would be ferry of Ganyudo!

Had given way to properly for the red and yellow of the boat also of ferry。Manor is good!


In ferry to Numazu

Ferry arrives over。Small boat There is only a capacity 12 people。It will be asked to wear the best of orange for when sunk any chance。Fee will be paid during the embarkation。

This ferry is "Numazu area common admission ticketAlso possible to ride for free in the purchase benefits "。The admission ticket is included in the admission fee is below the facility a total of 500 yen only。

  • Large outlook floodgates Shipping Accessories you Numazu
  • Numazu Imperial Villa Memorial Park (West University House)
  • Numazu Bokusui Wakayama Memorial
  • Numazu Koji Serizawa good Memorial
  • Numazu Shoji Museum of Art
  • Ferry of Ganyudo

Also、Also you can rent a bicycle for free in the time limit in Numazu running & Skills station。The cover of the Numazu area common admission ticket of the 2018 fiscal year Toka has been adopted is a picture of Love live Sunshine。Since I was purchased last year、Although it was not able to obtain one of the limited cover。

If you use a common admission ticket would be a good idea to disconnect the coupon from the booklet before you get on the ferry。Because the No such thing scissors because after all be collected in the embarkation。

As under the Onaribashi Mars

The opposite shore carp streamer。

Beneath the Onaribashi。I was living in Numazu until now had passed under the Onaribashi by boat are excited about what mind because it is the first time in my life 👿

Pass through the Onaribashi。I'm taking what Photos in this short period of time(Lol)

Mount Fuji from the Kano River。Oh ...... I've reflected uncle in front of ......

People waving toward the ferry。This also let's answering waving!

Not reflected uncle-chan now! Ferry with Mount Fuji

Somehow a piece because I wanted to take the uncle-chan and ferry together。Soon Numazu because Ushibuseyama is visible in front of the eye。

Disembark location of here ferry。For those hard little understanding、I'll show you how to come from Numazu Port here。


Ferry of Ganyudo "landing Numazu Port"

Here is the end point of the side road of Numazu fresh Museum。In other words、It is a straight abutment advanced south from Numazu Station。Climb up the hill on the bank of the Kano River。

Down there because there is a slope that is down to the river bed and headed to the north side of the harbor Bridge。Do will I see there has been many people in the middle, et al side of the photo? There is a blue flag, such as it was in Bridge walk in there。

The blue flag is boarding location。If you come ferry Let's sign waving the yellow flag!


From Numazu Port to Ganyudo

Just across the opposite shore from Numazu Port to Ganyudo。It will arrive in a few minutes。The time being taken because the Shipping Accessories sound Fuji could be seen at the same time。

The end point is to appear in front。Was fun ferry is also the end 😥

Return the orange vest

If the return is also to use the ferry is、Waiting with a yellow flag here。As I wrote in the beginning、Only timetable, as we should be sure to check。

Collaboration between the last ferry and Mount Fuji。Blue flag looks of the opposite bank in Numazu port side!


If you purchased the common admission ticket you may want to go from here to Numazu Koji Serizawa good Memorial。before、Referred "Numazu Imperial Villa Memorial ParkIt might be a good even toward the "!

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