Moscow sightseeing-summer edition-from the airport to the city

Transportation to Moscow city is roughly divided into taxis、bus、There are three types of railways。Of these, the railway is definitely recommended。Because、The road from Moscow to the city is a heavily congested area、Sometimes it can take several hours。By train, you can reach the city in about 30 minutes by using the limited express train called Aeroexpress.。Also、On average, it comes out about once every 30 minutes, so you can ride without having to wait so long.。The price is 470 one way in 2017、Round trip 940 rubles (round trip but no discount)。ActuallyOfficial websiteIf you book in advance on the internet from, you can go for 410 rubles one way.。

By the way, if it is a bus, there will be a shared bus and the fare will not be 100 rubles one way, so it may not be a rush trip or you may go slowly while getting caught in traffic 😛

Now、A short walk from the hotel to the Aeroexpress train station。

It's about a 1-2 minute walk to Aeroexpress、There is a big road in between、Moreover, I was confused because there was no pedestrian crossing.。I asked the person in the hotel parking lot、It is okay to cut through as it is in anticipation of when the car is not passing。After this, I noticed after going to Russia city、Russia is basically surprised by the lack of signals。

Security gate as soon as you enter the railway station。Thoroughly inspected luggage with X-rays and passed through the gate of the metal detector。Probably anti-terrorism measures。

After that, take the elevator to the platform floor to the ticket counter.。There was just a currency exchange corner so I thought I'd change the Japanese yen、It is refused that the currency is not handled。Reluctantly go to the vending machine next to the ticket counter to buy a ticket to Moscow。

The screen is in Russian、English、German、Spanish、French、Italian、Chinese etc.、You can choose multiple。Is this the order of frequency of use from the left? Unfortunately, there is no Japanese.。

If you choose a language, one way or round trip、Choose business class。If you want to buy a round trip, the return ticket ... It's a paper like a receipt, but don't lose it!

Choose the number of people、If you choose cash as the payment method, put the money in the image。

In the case of a card, insert your credit card into the card holder (where Card is written) at the top of the image below.。

If you select a card, you will be prompted to enter your PIN number, so type in the number and then press the green "ввод" at the bottom right.。If you want to cancel, click "выход" written in red, which is two green above.。

Tickets will come out from the bottom so I will receive them。

Since the QR code is printed on the ticket, read it at the entrance gate and enter the platform。

Admission to the platform。

The sign says "Sheremechevo"。

Unreserved seats as the train is not in business class。The inside of the car looks like this。

There is also a luggage storage so there is no problem even if you have a suitcase。

There is also in-car sales。Partial excerpt from the menu。

From the car window。

30Arrive at Belorussky Station (Белорусский вокзал) in Moscow in about a minute。It came down with the droves。

Exiting the Aeroexpress platform, the premises of Belaruski Station。

The blue-green station school building may be rare。If you look to the left。

MOCKBA! Finally Moscow! If you leave yourself to the flow of people, you can go outside。This is called Bella Rusky Station, which is a terminal station.、From now on, transfer to Belorusskaya subway station (Белорусская)。Well, even if you say transfer, walk 1、2 minutes。

The subway is on the left after leaving the premises。Enter immediately!

First of all, the ticket vending machine。Buy your ticket here。

50 rubles for one ticket、100 rubles in 2 times。There is no discount as usual ... Payment can be made with cash and credit card。The ticket is a card that is more crisp than Aeroexpress。

Somehow there is a serial number on the back。Take this to the ticket gate。

If you go through something like a security gate, there is a ticket gate, so if you touch it, you can enter the station yard。The Moscow subway runs long to the basement by elevator, and I would like to post the situation.、As a general rule, photography is prohibited.。What a pity!

Next time is Red Square。

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