World Heritage "Royal Exhibition Hall" and the modern structure behind it "Melbourne Museum"

After roaming the Carlton Gardens in search of Opossum、The last time I found the Royal Exhibition Hall。This time we will introduce the Royal Exhibition Hall and the Melbourne Museum。


Walking map "Royal Exhibition Hall to Melbourne Museum"

Positional relationship between the Carlton Gardens, the Royal Exhibition Center and the Melbourne Museum。The Royal Exhibition Hall in the Carlton Gardens、Behind it is the Melbourne Museum。You can see 3 places at once, so it's highly efficient!


To the entrance of the Royal Exhibition Hall

This time start from here。World heritage "Royal Exhibition Hall"。

World heritage seen from an angle。It's raining so the ground is wet。

Royal Exhibition Hall and Carleton Garden Stele。It's raining so I have no time to read。I want to quickly enter the eaves of the building。

There are many cars in the parking lot。In fact, today's event is held inside the Royal Exhibition Hall.。


Design exhibition held at the Royal Exhibition Hall

World heritage has a solemn atmosphere、As the name suggests, the Royal Exhibition Hall is still used as an exhibition hall and event venue.。It seems that the entrance fee is $ 2。

Into the world heritage。Full of people。Well it's $ 2。

From here it seems that you can not enter unless you pay $ 2。This time I will hurry up so I will make a U turn here without going inside。Do you usually put it in for free?

This is the back of the exhibition hall。This is relatively quiet。


To the Melbourne Museum behind the Royal Exhibition Hall

The Melbourne Museum is just off the North Exit of the Royal Exhibition Hall。

That is the entrance to the Melbourne Museum。It's raining so let's get in early。

It's a stylish building


Melbourne Museum entrance

From the outside there seemed to be few people、People were lined up at the ticket office。The price is $ 14 for an adult when I visit。And as of June 2020, it ’s $ 15.。Since the ticket price like this goes up year by year、Before you visitOfficial websiteLet's check with。

16It's nice that children under the age of are free

Shark object decorated at the entrance。Many other sea creatures are also displayed.。

Early planes。Mannequin is on board。

Many children except downstairs。Is it a local elementary school?。16Free admission for children under age, so it's easy to get a school on the route。


Stroll around the Melbourne Museum

I'm not going to enter the pay area of ​​the museum this time、I will try various walks in other areas。First, go downstairs on the escalator。

Some stone monument outside the glass。

Bring the shark closer to here。Each tooth is built up。


Leaving the melbourne museum

After all it was too difficult to go around for free ...。There were also such objects around the museum。

Well then, the World Heritage & Melbourne Museum sightseeing is over! Next time further north。Let's go to the University of Melbourne。

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