- to the highest building in London tourism ~ EU


I spent the night in the vicinity of King's Cross Station、From there out of the St. Paul's Cathedral along the River Thames、London Bridge、The Shard、Tower Bridge、And I walked up to the Tower of London。

The red line of the route that passes through this time the above map。Quite a distance given the scale。From King's Cross Station to St. Paul's Cathedral is Naa was boring 😛

Here is King's Cross Station。...... Harry Potter Speaking of King's Cross! ! Now、Or Let's entered in the。

Pretty clean introspection。Here also there are many people because it is the terminal station。If you want to go by train to Edinburgh Toka far north you will ride from here。

When passing through the station north side of the square。that? Well ...... I could not find the famous platform of Harry Potter, but it will be found later。Was he playing children in this square。

Orimashi to your work in the vicinity of this little、I noticed If you had been in the night。so、Google was the finds!!I guess the London office。

It was placed in。There has been a Yara and You Tube Space。In this blow-building from the bottom to the top、From ask them to a little rest on the first floor of the sofa、Now back to King's Cross Station。

Since the building wind was terrible through the inside of St Pancras Station to Kings Cross Station。This St. What's I Chara is has become a Eurostar terminus、We become an alias is prima facie Kings Cross Station。

Night of King's Cross Station。Now、In a place called ...... wonder if leaps to St. Paul's Cathedral from now、I did not go to the Holy Land of Harry Potter!

I was struggling to fine Find。It was immediately in front of the north entrance。I had been guided to the final station staff 🙂 here 9 and 3/4 platform。Hey, we can something matrix

Here? Matrix in order to take a picture? ! Cart Orimashi dent in the wall、Everyone I have a commemorative photo at the moment of swing up the muffler。

Properly Platform9 3/4 of the plate is also equipped。

Ah、w be the next person who was the same sort of thing

Alright、To escape from the south exit of King's Cross Station、Intently south the street in front of the eye。20Walk minute and arrived at the Chancery Lane Station。Turn left here Mars。

London wonder if something like a monument that was divided into 25 districts?

Furthermore walk about 10 minutes when the big-ass Cathedral appearance! This is It is St Paul's Cathedral。It is the Don of the Anglican Church。A little during the day and be the atmosphere is different because it is night。

Sneak to the front。Originally it was built in 607 BC、A result that was destroyed again and again、1710Toka led to the form of the current Baroque style in year。A number of prominent people such as Alexander Fleming of Benri Moore and bacteria scholars of the artists have been buried here。Not put it in because unfortunately the night ......

City of London School discovered on the sidewalk along leading to the River Thames。Here it is City School of the University of London。But it says the United Kingdom of Cambridge and Oxford image is preceded、University of London also ultra-prestigious。Several There is a campus in London。Thus I say I also'll United Kingdom study abroad era I was there a time when you try to enroll in Imperial College London ~ 😉

It attaches to the bridge over the River Thames and proceed straight south from the St. Paul's Cathedral。so、The view from here was very nice! ! The Shard is on the right side to the other side of the London Bridge if there is Tower Bridge、I There is a Tower of London on the left side。London Eye from Waterloo Bridge、Although Big Ben landscape is famous、Please visit us here landscape also because a very superb view!

St. Paul's Cathedral behind。A little strong wind。

Another one just before the finish over。East is London district。The moon is shining just clean 😯

Along the Thames river lined with addition to museums and these were Exe vision also of BAR。

I have a little bit similar to the two previous image arrival in Southwark Bridge。

The famous London Bridge next of Southwark Bridge。But I'm sober。

London Bridge wicket Mars

Somehow there was a model of the strange ship。

Finally arrived at The Shard! The Shard is also the nickname of the Shard London Bridge。It is the tallest building in the EU at the height 310m of the ground 87-storey。In which Renzo Piano, which was built the Kansai International Airport terminal was involved、It is surprisingly familiar ones in Japan。

2008Completed in、2012Like the year completed、Since we did not have even form a shadow when I was studying、Surprise and be such a thing 😯

The Shard of the close proximity to the metro station。Access is easy likely。

Along the Thames river again。The other Tower Bridge is right there。

Or doing skateboard in this square、Or There are sleeping people。

Tower Bridge! ! Finally arrived。Moreover, Tower Bridge of the night is the first! ! Was a completely different atmosphere than the daytime have been lit up in beautiful purple but had seen in the photograph

Tongdo that it passes through the Tower Bridge。Here is it was not a completely glamorous 😥

Up the stairs、Let emergency cross the Tower Bridge!

I wonder if climb from here? Like Tower Bridge is I can But the night to climb to the top is closed for a fee。Regret

In the construction work has been scraped off a little Xing 👿

Finish and on the left side immediately Tower of London over。Also known as "White Tower"。Currently, it has been used as a storehouse and places of worship, such as weapon、Famous for what there is "Cullinan" of the world's largest cut diamond。

It closed because the night is also a World Heritage Site But that want to enter in by all means because it is registered。By the way, admission fee is quite expensive and about 2000 yen。


The following is directed to stretch the London Eye from the bus stop of the Tower of London。

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