World Cultural Heritage "Suviyashusuku" in the Kazan tourism - snow ② ~

Following the previous Subiyashusuku Village Part 2! It is a continuation of from where views of the Volga river in the outback。

If there is a place where there has been profusely people、Relatively long free action time is also here tour。

Drinking beer、Or eat snacks。

Or buy souvenirs。

I guess you candy。Candy had been sold。...... that guy was the face of the alien is a concern

By the way, I also bought here Subiyashusuku souvenir。So profusely like a love magnet I Russia kinds wealth。However、Buy Subi Yash disk Keychain about three because I like those of key chain than the magnet。Rhea Keychain GET can not buy only here! By the way, the clerk to get what you want because the price has not been written, "сколько это стоит?(Sukorika-eta Sutoitto) "and is good to hear。It will lead because it is not difficult to pronounce。

...... dog and it passes through the beginning of the photo of the gate! !

The proximity。

Was suited turned away(^▽^;)

It has been placed the shield and sword? Bunch ornaments do not some people?

The building next to it。It looks something like something specific。

It was after all manner。It seems Apparently Crossbow use in over there to devote game。

ax throwing。Ax throwing and the literal translation? It is somewhat dangerous。

For? There were people at the earlier of the decoration。

100Do you lending in rubles。

Or let a little up on top of that gate。

I did not'm just a decoration。It seems to have been tools of the trade for the sword fight pretend apparently borrowed a favorite weapon。Everyone happily。

Inverse aspect。Here is overlooking the side of the Volga river。Arere? Tour members are gathered ...... soon starting car

Maybe here hotels。Also it seems possible for one night to Subiyashusuku village。It looks good in even romantic Toka night sky to see from here!

Get a。Come to think of it I was also in Raiffeisen monastery。

Well I do not know object to well。Was doing had been bowed what somehow auspicious looks good 😆

Now、The next Innovation I will head to the Cathedral。

Souvenir shop。So I'm always open not open here now。

Walk a few minutes to。Here it is the Cathedral。

Entering the cathedral on site。

Here in the Russian Cat discovery! There is no divided cat to dog had。Russia's cat powers!

Hey Do not run away(^▽^;)

Meantime cat aside ......

The right side is the cathedral entrance。Unfortunately, in the Cathedral of camera shooting NG。Women gave color tradition that must be covered head because like a scarf, which is located at the entrance。

Not so large, medium, as seen from the appearance。Most inaudible not guide Mr. I was not me variously described in the Russian twisters。

Through without buying anything because in the shop also has not been only sold religious ones。But it is do is I bought anyway while ago Suviyashusuku limited goods

While ago the cat If you get to the outside has been done yet! Wandering around the base of the pillar。Probably had me waiting for me! 😳

Let's opposite to the inlet out of the cathedral。This both late tour late。Japan also has been late。

First visited the monastery came into view!

Bakery of Suviyashusuku。Here stalls bakery if spring Toka summer might be selling bread。

There is something fence。

Toka Toka jam honey。These things of being sold There is only a bread workshop。There is also shop of indoor to other、It was still sold to jam Toka main。

Ah ~、Probably because of the horse a little while ago of the fence。Like Apparently it is riding。During the rest of course it so that piled up snow now。zzz… 

And the end also tour late game

Back to square one。You will see that has become much darker than the previous。Even fewer people。

Was fun tour at this all there is to it。It still has many car。


It became the dissolution back to this after Kazan city。Return of the strange documentary programs in the bus was flowing, but I have slept because it was exhausted。It was already Kazan City when I got up。

next time、Bolghar which became the biggest adventure in Kazan tourism。Here is what has been World Heritage Site in 2014。See you soon!



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