Kazan tourism world cultural heritage in ~ snow "Suviyashusuku" ① ~

Finally the tour final destination to Suviyashusuku。This place name is I write I Свияжск in the difficult Russian to pronounce in Japanese、Impossible to Japanese notation is that this ж。Although various notation of how Toka Suviyajitsuku is、Because in English, such as described and Sviyazhsk、Let's described below and Suviyashusuku in this article!

About 30km from the restaurant of the previous article。About 60km from the Kazan city。Or rent a car because the taxi is too little high、Or you may come from Kazan city by boat if the spring and summer。But now the time is without the option of a ship because it freezes Volga river。

Sashikakari the bridge after a while out of the restaurant。Perhaps the Volga river。

Run This is also a moment from passing through the bridge。Then you will probably have arrived at the destination because the bus has stopped。The time being I tried to shoot around。Suviyashusuku is I island surrounded by the river。

This is Suviyashusuku! Car is also very large bus。Also headed towards the gate with surprise to the abundance of the tourists。

Perfect silver world。Osoru Beshi Suviyashusuku。

We arrived at the gate! Following the guide's so as not to lose sight of the tour members because there are many people。

Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese notation。Russian、Tatarstan language、3 representation of the English。Crowded Crowded。

Here in holding the bar code of the ticket and the mechanism to open the gate。The just-you that devoted to the pitch the ticket that I received from the bus guide's 😀

In the sanctuary of the other Suviyashusuku from here。Although it goes up the stairs、Let's have a look because that before there is a map in

Overall view of this is Suviyashusuku。It's pretty wide

The hordes of birds on the ground before climbing stairs。What these guys

Outright climbing the stairs、Looking down at the inlet side。Bus and car Zurari! 😯 I、Probably amazing tourist?

I realized the vast natural。Volga river superb view point of。Rush to pigeon destination late in the tour but for a while I wanted to enjoy the scenery here。

This is political purge monument。Supreme leader Joseph Stalin of the former Soviet Union Soviet Union in the 1930s、And those that remember the large-scale political repression was carried out in Mongolia。No way did not think that the relationship between Stalin here。

Now、Little bit the Suviyashusuku description in front of the tourist start ...... and from here into the village of Suviyashusuku。

That of the region with a focus on the island at the confluence of the Volga River and the Subiyaka river and Suviyashusuku。As can be seen in terms etc. had come by bus to the island、Rikutsuzuki the mainland。

What originally it was built in 1551 as a fortress of Russia。after that、There is a school becomes rural areas became a made in village。

It has been recommended for registration from Russia from the previous to the World Heritage、Cultural heritage Initially、It has been rejected in UNESCO but had registered the applicant as a complex heritage, which also serves as both the natural heritage、2017It is a relatively new World Heritage Site that is only registered as finally cultural heritage in the year。Unfortunately, because of cultural heritage subjects Cathedral and monastery only and not the entire island。Regret。

It should be noted、Such of did not like a World Heritage Monument of UNESCO because they visited just before it is registered as a World Heritage Site。There may be if you go Maybe now。

First, the entrance to the immediately monastery。I This is the gate to enter the site。

Board that is written softening Notes Toka various。Business hours are 9:00~18:00。

The monastery's how?

First building that looks to the left entered the gates。Seems not a monastery since the off-limits for。

The number of amazing people Why do not you turn around。See Is this monastery before。

Souvenir shop discovered before entering the monastery。Acclaimed closed in。I'm always open you do not open now?

Now let's enter the monastery。

Well、I did not write separately big deal。

so、No photo Unfortunately because the camera shooting ban in the monastery。Well it was a normal feeling like a church。

Out of the gate from leaving the monastery、Let's take a walk towards the back of the village Suviyashusuku。Crunch over the snow、Crunch。

Museum discovered in the middle。Through it does not depend on the museum in this tour。However Suviyashusuku village Well good because they come in purpose Toka landscape than this kind of museum。

Toilet discovery。Moreover, three languages ​​notation。

There was up to the bookstore。Fear shalt Suviyashusuku village。After all, it's habitable here There is only village。

Across the square Mars。

Kana residence?

The car was running。

Guy who the memorial sign put a coin to press。I guy that do not exist in Japan but I see quite well in many parts of the world。And、Finally to the deepest part of the village Subiyashusuku。

Mother Volga! 360-degree spread a snowy field and the river! Photo's and very refreshing but this grandeur is easily transmitted、It was a superb view point!

Another one by changing the angle just a little bit。Summer it might be good to come again to think of Do not I seen the landscape different in the summer。When、But it was hit in the accident that here in just the camera battery runs out、Survived it was over because I have a spare battery。


The number of characters also because it has become much that I next Subiyashusuku village Hen Part 2!

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