After Kotokuin, we headed to Ugafuku Shrine。The name Zeniarai Benzaiten may be more common than Ugafuku Shrine.。There is a company that does money washing in Enoshima,、Kamakura is probably the most famous one.。
Because Ugafuku Shrine is located on the top of the mountain、It requires a fair amount of physical strength。Because there is a possibility that it will be sick if it is in a state of slapstick after walking around in the evening、It may be better to visit while you are physically fit。
Also、Genjiyama Park is right next to Ugafuku Shrine。Is the statue of Minamoto no Yoritomo the highlight?。If you get off the mountain road from there, you can go to Jufukuji Temple, one of the five mountains of Kamakura.。
Walking map "Kotokuin-Ugafuku Shrine-Genjiyama Park-Jufukuji"
About 2.5km from Kotokuin to Ugafuku Shrine。However, I think that I will use my physical strength more than the distance because I will climb the mountain。The map above is the easiest way to go,、If you use a mountain road called the Great Buddha Hiking Trail、You can head to Ugafuku Shrine via Sasuke Inari Shrine on the way.。
However、This route is quite a difficult road, so on a sunny day、Moreover, it is a little difficult unless it is a sneaker that is easy to walk.。It will probably take more than an hour from Kotokuin to Ugafuku Shrine。
And Genjiyama Park is just around the corner from Ugafuku Shrine.、It is not recommended to get off at Jufukuji Temple from there。I didn't think it was such a difficult road。En route、There is a steep slope, no stairs, no handrails。There was a terrifying advance on the unpaved ground with both hands on the rock surface.。
I think it's better to go straight from Ugafuku Shrine to Jufukuji Temple along the car street.。
Zeniarai Benzaiten aka Ugafuku Shrine
Information boards are placed every time from Kotokuin to Ugafuku Shrine.、The number of people increases as we get closer to Ugafuku Shrine, so it's easy to understand.。If you go up the slope on the way, you will find a stone monument with the name of the shrine on your left.。
The entrance to the shrine often starts at the torii gate、This is a special structure that goes through a cave and heads for the main shrine.。
Ichikishimahime is enshrined here(Ichikishimahime no Mikoto)。Three Goddesses of Munakata, said to have been born at the time of the pledge when Amaterasu Omikami bit the sword of Susanoo's life。One of the three pillars is Ichikishimahime.。
I'd like to make a gift here、I was able to get the red stamp at the next office。Unfortunately, it was not possible to write it directly because it was written down.。
You can wash your money here。Put a coin in a colander and pour it with this water。I was able to take a picture like this because it was relatively free, probably because it was the morning time.、Perhaps there will be a lot of people lined up on holiday evenings。
Many people were washing money in spite of the corona sickness.、I don't have the courage to see off this time。I also wanted to wash the money even when the corona calmed down.。
Statue of Minamoto no Yoritomo in Genjiyama Park
There was a statue that stands out in Genjiyama Park。This is Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate.。The number of tourists is small probably because the influence of the 13 people of the Taiga drama Kamakura has not come so far.。It's a good idea, so I'll take pictures from various angles.。
Yoritomo from the front。
Yoritomo from the other side ... That's it! !! !!
Jufukuji Temple, the third place in Kamakura Gozan
When I headed for Jufuku-ji Temple from Genjiyama Park on the information board street, I was terrified ...。People who are not confident in their legs should definitely stop。Thanks to that, the bottom of my shoes and trousers got dirty with soil ... Well, I worshiped Ota Dokan's grave on the way.。
so、This is the gate of Jufukuji Temple。I couldn't get the red stamp because of the misfortune of Sanmon.。If there is unhappiness in the priest's relatives, as Sanmon unhappiness、After that, you will not be able to receive red stamps for several months.。Due to such circumstances, I stopped visiting the temple and left early.。
A long approach after passing through the gate of Jufukuji Temple。At this time, I was in the middle of doing some maintenance.。It seems that the season of autumn leaves is colored bright red。
the above、I introduced about 3 places with my legs。Next time, we will visit Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, one of the biggest attractions in Kamakura.。