Sightseeing in New York ~ Day 2 Part 1 ~

Schedule for the second day、Statue of Liberty → Wall Street → World Trade Center Building → Chelsea Market → High Line → Intrepid → Intrepid Sea Aerospace Museum → American Natural History Museum → Dakota House → Carnegie Hall → Fifth Avenue → Radio City → St Patrick Cathedral → Rockefeller Center。

A fairly hard schedule that turns from south to north。Statue of Liberty in the morning 9:00It's admission from 8:30I tried to arrive at the nearest station, South Ferry。About 30 minutes from Times Square, so 7:50By leaving the hotel around that time、6 a.m. on the day:00I woke up and had breakfast at the hotel。

From Times Square use the red line to South Ferry bound for South Ferry。There is a change in the destination of the subway only once on the way、There was a transfer, but I arrived safely at South Ferry Station。Everyone goes down slowly, so when you follow the flow, you get to the ground、If you do not know the direction and proceed in the same direction as everyone, you can see the ticket office of the Statue of Liberty in about 5-10 minutes。Must be redeemed for a city pass and ticket、After getting the ticket, show your passport、Pass the security gate to the ferry。The time at that time is 8:45It was around the time, but I could not get on the first ferry 9:15I was able to board the second boat departing。9:00The next ship arrived soon after the ship left for、Immediately head to the observation seat。Few people were there yet、Position the person who can see the Statue of Liberty、I waited for the departure time while watching the seagulls。However、Later I realize that it was a failure to take up the Statue of Liberty side.。

Upon departure, the ferry heads counterclockwise to Liberty Island。The ferry is anchored to the right, so the Statue of Liberty is on the left side of the ferry。so、Going counterclockwise to the island、When approaching the Statue of Liberty, you will be on the other side of the ferry。I think it's hard to convey if it's just sentences、It means that the situation is as shown in the picture.。

Ferry Place2

It's a picture taken with my hands fully raised。In fact, my uncle's gray hair blocked most of my view.。Because I was in the middle of the ferry、It was also difficult to see the scenery of Manhattan Island behind。there、You should secure the following places。

Ferry Place

If you take the part surrounded by this red circle、You can see the Statue of Liberty、You can also see the scenery of Manhattan Island behind the ferry without obstruction。

And、When the ferry arrives on Liberty Island。Since there are many people on board the boat, you will have to wait a considerable amount of time before you get off if you are at the observatory ...。

After getting off the ferry, go straight ahead and you will find an audio guide building on your left。Supports many languages、There is also Japanese。It is nice to be able to experience a simple tour without prior knowledge。

Proceed a little and arrive at the entrance to the Statue of Liberty。I haven't booked this time so I can't enter、Gununu ... Liberty Island is within walking distance、After making one lap clockwise, it is finished。In front of the Statue of Liberty, many people were taking a commemorative photo of Pasha Pasha.。

The last is the souvenir shop。Even though the price is high, such places are included.。There was a special price key chain in the store so I bought only that and went to the ferry。

I wonder if the ferry will return to Manhattan Island、For some reason I proceeded in another direction and arrived at the unknown island well。If you listen carefully to the onboard broadcast, you will be heading to Ellis Island。I am grateful that there are more tourist spots, but I am okay with the time as there are many places to go on the second day. Landing on the new continent while having a trivial question。There was something that looked like a museum right away, so when I entered、Full of posters and old exhibits。Apparently it's a place where you can learn about American history。

Unfortunately there was no lofty hobby to learn American history、Take a short break on the bench until the ferry after 30 minutes。I'm going to walk in Oita, so I have to save my strength。

When you come back from Ellis Island and arrive at the ferry terminal on Manhattan Island、Is there a terrible line? !! How long will they wait。I'm glad I came first in the morning

Next was Wall Street。I headed for the shortest distance while listening to people who were waiting。Then、Once again the matrix。Looking ahead, there is a strange cow statue、For some reason everyone took a commemorative photo with the cow。When I examined the details later, it seemed that the cow was "charging bull" and it represented the energy, power and uncertainty of the stock market.、It is said to be the symbol of Wall Street.。Well、I didn't know it was so famous, so I didn't take a photo。Don't forget to take a photo the next time you visit。

Walking around Wall Street, light rain。

wall street

If you hurry through, the World Trade Center building appears in front of you。Before that, 9.11 Memorial Park。The names of the victims of September 11, 2001 were engraved on it.。

911memorialThere was a line in the Memorial Museum so、Citipass decided to go to Intrepid as originally planned、I headed to the station to reach my next destination, Chelsea Market。

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