From Uji Station to Taiyougaoka through the Cultural Center ~ “To Shineru” & “Sound!”!Touring the sacred places of “Euphonium”

I was in Nara prefecture the day before.、I was looking for somewhere nearby to visit and found Uji City in Kyoto Prefecture.。The taiga drama ``Hikaru Kimi e'' was being aired at the time.、Popular TV anime “Sound”!Euphonium” stage、I came here because I wanted to visit the sacred places.。

Uji City is famous for Byodoin Phoenix Hall.、I think there are many people who cannot think of other tourist attractions.。When I actually visited, there were quite a few tourist attractions.、As expected, there were quite a few things to see as it was the setting of the work.。

Starting from this time, I would like to visit Uji City in several parts.。


Walking map "Uji Station - Uji City Cultural Center (Uji City Cultural Hall) - Taiyogaoka (Kyoto Prefectural Yamashiro Sports Park)"

It is about 2-3 km from JR Uji Station to Taiyogaoka.、I think it's tougher than it looks on the map because there's a lot of climbing.。Also、It was raining that day so it was quite difficult.。Actually, there is a bus leaving from the station.、I just didn't have the time so I decided to walk.。On the way home、Check the timetable of Taiyogaoka bus stop、I'm back with that。


JR Uji Station

When I got off the train, I was greeted at the station by a mascot character called Oujichama from the Chacha Kingdom.。Uji is a tea producing region.。I guess that's the motif。

By the way, this place I'm currently at is JR Uji Station.。There is another station nearby called Keihan Uji Station.。Sound!Keihan is collaborating with Euphonium.。

Exterior of JR Uji Station。There is a rotary in front of the station where there is a bus stop and a taxi stand.。It's raining beautifully, so we're about to start some serious sightseeing.。It should be noted、I left my luggage in a coin locker.。I don't really want to walk around with my luggage in the rain.。

A teapot-shaped mailbox installed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Uji City establishment.。It has an interesting shape。


Uji City Cultural Center (Uji City Cultural Center)

in the rain、It took about 30 minutes to walk while getting lost with Google Maps in hand.。We finally arrived at our first destination, the Civic Cultural Center.。This is not a tourist spot、It's a public facility, so it's perfect for sheltering from the rain.。Also、Sound!It seems to be a sacred place for euphoniums.、I stopped by on the way。

It seemed like an event was being held in the small hall on this day.。However, it didn't seem like there were that many participants.、It was very empty inside。The air conditioner is working and it's cool.。For comparison、The Great Hall is introduced in the anime sacred place.、Apparently you can only enter there when an event is being held in the main hall.。The main hall was locked。

The main hall is at the top of the escalator in front of you.。As you can see、Escalators and stairs are prohibited。The concerts in the anime were depicted in this large hall.。

This building itself is not that big.。I got the impression that it was quite small compared to my local Numazu Citizen Cultural Center.。

When I went outside, the rain had gotten heavier.。My shoes are already soaked。From here, the sun heads towards the hill.。


Taiyogaoka (Kyoto Prefectural Yamashiro Sports Park)

It is not very far from the Civic Cultural Center to Taiyogaoka.。If you walk a little, you will be guided to Taiyogaoka 500m.。If the weather is good, it will be soon... I just keep going up the gentle slope.。There is a bus stop for the return bus along this road, so be sure to keep an eye on the time.。There are times when there is only about one train running per hour.、If you don't make it in time, you'll have to walk this long distance again.。However, unlike the trip there, the return trip is downhill, so I think it's a little easier.。Unless it rains...

The sun has arrived at the hill。Despite the rain, people gathered on this day.。Apparently it was a sports tournament for junior high school students (probably).。

A nice park for a walk if it's sunny。It's raining, so I'll move forward quickly.。

Arrive at the playground。This is probably the location of the Sunfest in the anime.。Of course it's raining today so there's no one there so it's quiet.。

You can see that it's quite spacious.。It's a soccer stadium, so it's only natural.。

Since no event is being held, we cannot go inside, so we walk around the outside.。The rain is getting heavier so I'm going home soon.。I actually wanted to stay a little longer and wander around.。

There are quite a few cars parked in the parking lot。It's a sports tournament.。I think it's probably an event in a gym like basketball.。


It's been a while, but that's all for now。Next time, I would like to introduce Kake Shrine and Byodoin Temple.。