Certified by Guinness! The world's longest wooden pedestrian bridge "Hōrai Bridge" is also a sacred place of Yuru Camp△

I wanted to go to Sumata Gorge Onsen, which I had wanted to go to for a while.、So I decided to visit some interesting sightseeing spots along the way.。Since it's local, it was just within reach for a day trip.、It's a great opportunity, so accommodation is included.。Actually, I found out after the trip.、It seems that Season 3 of the anime Yuru Camp△ was set along the Oi River, including Sumata Gorge.。There were anime goods at Senzu Station, so I was wondering what it was.、It's an anime based on a manga that will be aired this year.。Unfortunately, I didn't know it was a sacred place, so I didn't have any advance information.、I would like to introduce some of the photos I have taken that I can use.。


Walking map ``Positional relationship between Shimada Station and Horai Bridge''

Map of Horai Bridge

Hourai Bridge is within walking distance from Shimada Station。It's about 1.5 km from the station and takes about 20 minutes.、Horai Bridge itself is about 900m long.、The round trip alone is 1.8km.、I think it's better to be prepared to walk quite a bit.。By car, I think most people will come from the Tomei Yoshida Interchange/Shin Tomei Shimada Kanaya Interchange.、It's quite far away and takes about 15-20 minutes.。I think most people use car navigation systems, so、I think there will be no problem if I follow the instructions.。There is also a free parking lot。

By the way、There is a large shopping center called Apita Shimada store just north of Horai Bridge, so you won't have any trouble finding a meal or killing time.。


The world's longest wooden pedestrian bridge

Horai Bridge is generally crossed from the north side.。I will be paying the fee at the building on the right.、8If it is before 1:30 p.m. or after 5:00 p.m.、There is a toll box on the bridge, so you must enter it voluntarily when crossing.。

Various stone monuments and bronze statues are erected at the entrance of the bridge.。The one on the right side of the photo above appears to be a Guinness Register mark.。By the way, the length of Horai Bridge is 897.4m, which is said to be a pun on the word ``no evil''.。

Statue of Kaishu Katsu, famous for the bloodless surrender of Edo Castle。This Kaishu is、It was discovered early on that Shizuoka tea had global value.、It is said that Makinohara was cultivated and turned into a large tea plantation.。As it developed to a certain extent, people started crossing the Oigawa River in small boats, and it became dangerous.、It seems that this Horai Bridge was constructed.。


Now it's time、Crossing the Horai Bridge

The width of Horai Bridge is not very wide, and about 3 people can fit side by side.。The fare box is in the middle of the photo above.、If you visit outside of business hours, please put 100 yen here (10 yen for children) and cross.。A car is parked on the left、There's a parking lot over there.。

This is what it looks like when you look up from the riverbed。You can see that it is supported by pillars at equal intervals.。When Horai Bridge was first constructed, the piers were made of wood.、Due to repeated flooding of the Oigawa River, it became damaged.、1965It appears that this column was rebuilt with concrete in 2015.。

The sun is strong from the opposite side and it is comfortable.。The duo is just crossing the Horai Bridge.。You can clearly see that the riverbed is well maintained and has become a tourist destination.。

When the weather is nice、You can see Mt. Fuji from the bridge like this.。The fences on both sides of the bridge are low so be careful not to fall.。First of all, let's introduce mainly the Kita-Kamakura area where I started sightseeing.、The river is dry, so if you fall, you will be in big trouble.。

Now that I think about it, the water problem caused by maglev construction has become a hot topic in recent years.、As you can see, the flow of water in the Oigawa River is quite small.。I don't think anyone other than locals knows much about it.、It is a matter of life and death for the region to determine whether or not modifying the upstream will have any impact on the Oigawa River.。

Although the economic effects of the linear system are unknown,、Don't just listen to the news and dumbly criticize the linear opponents、Visit the place yourself、I would like people to understand the current situation of the Oigawa water area before getting involved in linear issues.。


Beyond the Horai Bridge

897.4After crossing M, you will see a sign like this。You will also be asked to pay a fee when crossing from this side.。I don't think many people cross from the opposite direction.。

so、Horai Bridge seen from this side。It feels a little lonely compared to the entrance side.。How long is it anyway?。

Kannon-sama at Horai Bridge? It seems like there will be some kind of benefit.。

There was also a Jizo statue.。Looks like a matchmaking Jizo、Many wishing stones were placed。

Crane is a thousand years old、Turtles live forever

Photo frame of tourist spots。It seems to have been created by an architect student at Shimada Kogyo.。It was built just to accommodate the Horai Bridge.。Although the trees are a little in the way、Will it be colorful with young leaves around spring?。

Scenery seen from inside the photo frame。It seems to be beautifully colored during the autumn leaves season.。

Explanation of ``Mugwort'' and ``Akaza'' used in Horai Bridge。both are grass

It is said that if you ring the gold, you will have good luck or not.

This is the bell。It makes quite a loud noise。It's surrounded by nature and there don't seem to be any private houses, so it's probably a good idea to hit it as hard as you can.。

Longevity prayer bell。I mentioned that the length of Horai Bridge is a pun on the word ``no misfortune''.、Since it is made of a long wooden tree, it is also called the ``Long Wooden Bridge'' and ``Long Life Bridge'', meaning it is said to have the benefit of longevity.。Ah、Is that why there was a statue of a turtle that lived forever?。


That's the end of Horai Bridge sightseeing.。Before I visited, I thought it was just a bridge, so I thought the sightseeing time would last about 15 minutes.、It takes quite a while to cross the bridge, so it might be a good idea to spend at least an hour watching it.。

When I visited, I didn't know that it was the setting for an anime called Yuru Camp△.、Apparently Sumata Gorge in the work、It seems that it was introduced as a set with Oigawa.。This is also the sightseeing route for this time.、Perhaps all sightseeing routes have the same idea.。

next time、I would like to introduce Okuoi Lake Station!