“Igawa water pump station”From”Ajirogi no Michi”を抜けて朝霧橋へ ~「光る君へ」&「響け!Touring the sacred places of “Euphonium”

宇治観光センターを出て少し北上すると宇治川沿いに井川用水機場に着きますここをGoogleマップでみてみると『久美子ベンチ』と書かれているのが面白い久美子というのはアニメ「響け!Euphonium" is the name of the main character.、This is the first time that the character's name has been registered as a famous place on Google Maps.。


Walking map "Igawa water pump station - Ajirogi no Michi - Asagiri Bridge"

The walking route this time is as above.。Although the distance traveled is short,、非常に見どころが多くなっています平等院鳳凰堂目的で宇治市を訪れる方が多いと思いますがぜひこの道は辿ってもらいたいと思います



用水機場とは河川から必要な農業用水を取水し機械的な動力で揚水し、A facility built for the purpose of securing water head.。I don't know if this Igawa water pump station is currently operating.、I think it was at least helpful to the local community.。

The Kumiko bench in the photo is。Located along the Uji River、晴れている日であればここに座って宇治川の流れを眺めて宇治の自然を感じても良かったかと思います奥に見えるベージュの建物が用水機場でしょうかね





Ajirogi no Michi

あじろぎの道は平等院鳳凰堂と宇治川の間の散歩道の名称。Once upon a time、It may have come from fishing in the Uji River.。If you go to the right at this fork in the road, you will reach the Uji Tourist Center.、If you go left, you will go along the Uji River.。Now、let's go to the left。

This Ajirogi path is recommended for enjoying the Uji-like atmosphere.。Because there are buildings that give you a sense of the past,。

A houseboat-like thing was also moored there.。It didn't look like they were open, probably because it wasn't the right time.。

Ajirogi no Michi is lined with restaurants and shops.。It would have been crowded if it was sunny.。


``Kisenbashi'', which is derived from Rokkasen

As I was heading towards Kiseibashi Bridge, I found a bird!

I only brought a wide-angle lens.、Even when I got this close, I didn't run away.。It's probably familiar。

so、This is Kisen Bridge。The origin of the name seems to be Kisenboshi, one of the Rokukasen.。This bridge seems to be impossible to cross when the Uji River rises.、I'm glad I was able to cross today even though it was raining.

Scenery from Kisen Bridge。It's interesting and good。


From Kisen Bridge to Asagiri Bridge

The Ukishima 13-storied pagoda can be seen right in front of you after crossing Kisen Bridge.。It is 15m high and seems to be the largest stone pagoda in Japan.。

Uji River cormorant fishing grounds。It seems to be managed by a mascot character called Umiu no Utty.。By the way, the model of this character called Utty is、It seems to be the first sea cormorant born in Japan through artificial hatching in 2014.。






Inverse aspect。あの山の遥か向こうは奈良県ですかね


