Shizuoka's healing valley、Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Sumata Gorge ② Also a sacred place of Yuru Camp△

Continuing from last time, we will take a walk in Sumata Gorge.。This time, the main focus will be on the dream suspension bridge.。Regarding the walking map, see the previous article “Shizuoka's healing valley、Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Sumata Gorge ① Also a sacred place of Yuru Camp△"Please refer to。


To the entrance of the dream suspension bridge

A dream suspension bridge appears in the mountains。A little later if you come up here。

From here we will walk on a paved path where the scaffolding looks like it is made of aluminum.。By the way, during the busy season, there is already a long line from around here.。Even if you decide to come during the busy season, we recommend coming early in the morning.。This is what it looks like on a holiday morning during the off-season.。

The couple in front of you are just walking on the bridge.。Everyone took advantage of the empty space to take commemorative photos.。

We also took time to photograph the suspension bridge from various angles.。No one has already crossed the suspension bridge.。It seems that the capacity is 10 people.、Given the current timing, no matter how long we wait, it seems unlikely that 10 people will cross at the same time.。

This dream suspension bridge is basically a one-way street, so you can only cross from this side.。You will go around in a circle like this map and return to the original place.。


Let's cross the suspension bridge of dreams!

It's quite long if you look at it like this。The distance from the edge to the water surface is about 8m.。I think it changes depending on the water level.、It seems to be a guideline。Even if I fall, there is water below, so I think it will work out somehow.。perhaps……

I edited it a little。There are many colors like this in the pamphlet.。Depending on the day, it may become this emerald green.。

Let's cross the bridge。Viewing angle when crouching down。Only two wooden planks are for walking.。There is a place on the way where you can take 4 photos, so if you want to take photos, that's a good place.。

Scenery of the Sumata River seen from the suspension bridge。By the way, this Sumata River is a tributary of the Oi River.。The suspension bridge shakes quite a bit, so it may be scary for people who are not used to it.。Sometimes I could hear the screeching noises from far away.。

In the anime “Yuru Camp△ Season 3”, this place was compared to Hatanagi Suspension Bridge.。If you've experienced that, it's not scary at all.。The height and sway are completely different.。

I'll finish crossing soon。To cross it again, you have to walk around the Sumata Gorge promenade for several ten minutes.。It's a shame to leave behind。


After crossing the dream suspension bridge, walk around Sumata Gorge Promenade

Now、I finished crossing the suspension bridge of my dreams.、It's quite a walk from here。I think I'll probably use more physical strength than I did to get here.。

From here, climb the 304 steps.。There are rest areas along the way, so if you are not confident in your physical strength, take your time.。

A dreamlike suspension bridge seen from the middle。No one has crossed yet。

There are places like this along the way so I think it would be easy to take a break.。It seems to be a slope called Kurozaka.。From the name it seems like it will be difficult.。

I finally climbed 304 steps! From here, you can return to Sumatakyo Onsen Village via Hiryukyo Bridge.、Let's go to Ozakizaka Observation Deck.。100It's m.。


Ozakizaka Observation Deck

Arrive at the observation deck。Discontinued trains that are no longer in use are on display.。

Here is the view point from the observation deck。Now、Let's take a look at the scenery。

...... Hmm、subtle。You can't see the valley because there are a lot of plants in the way.。I was hoping to see the suspension bridge of my dreams.。

There is a toilet at the observation deck.。There are vending machines and benches, so if you're tired, you can take a rest here.。


Cross Hiryukyo Bridge to Sumatakyo Onsen Village

After leaving the observation deck and walking for a while, you will arrive at Hiryu Bridge.。Unlike the suspension bridge of dreams, this is a large road that cars can pass through.。General vehicles are not allowed to enter, so I think it is used by related vehicles.。

Sumata River seen from Hiryu Bridge。You can see the dream suspension bridge in the distance below.。If you look at it like this, you can see that it has gone up considerably.。

I tried to expanded。The scenery from Hiryu Bridge is much better than from the observation deck!

childish danger。After crossing Hiryu Bridge, just walk along the road.。

Finally, I returned to the starting point.。

There was a public phone。If you have any questions, please contact us here。It's hard to get radio waves, so having something like this would be very helpful.。From here, go through the tunnel you came from and head to the hot spring village.。It was already around noon, so、I passed by quite a lot of people。

Finally, the symbol of Sumata Gorge Onsen at night.。


The introduction to Sumatakyo Onsen's famous Yume no Suspension Bridge ends here.。Next time, I would like to introduce Suikoen, where I stayed the day before.。He also appeared in one scene in Yuru Camp△.。And this time, I booked a suite room with a hot spring that flows directly from the source, which is the only room in the inn, so please check it out!

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